

16 BIT







The Amiga Comet.
It could have hit the PC market as an earhquake...

How Gateway killed the Amiga


This covers me the most but i would like to add a few words. Gateway always had a very close relationship with Microsoft. So what did they do with the Amiga and it's community? Nothing. And it's not strange. Just bought the Amiga for taking the ~40 unique patents of Amiga and give to their buddies, Microsoft. They killed the Amiga by leaving the best machine of all time for long with no updates, no support, only lies...lies....lies. As long as it was needed for their beloved PC (means Pure Crap) take Amiga's position in the home market.
Do you think they feel bad about this? No, i don't think so. All they wanted to do, they did it... Don't you ever ask yourself why don't they free Amiga Kickstart and Workbench? That's right folks, they are still afraid of the Amiga. Why? Because they know Amiga should have been the mainstream. Do you think they are gaining something from keeping, let's say WB 1.3 or WB 2.0 in their closet? No, but they had such an experience with Linux!

What a waste!